Sunday, June 24, 2012

Butterflies - Ta Da!

Butterflies - done

This is Butterflies. She is all done, washed and was out in the morning sun. This quilt is made from Terrain by Kate Spain and Kona white. The binding is made of scraps of Terrain too. It finished at about 44" x 56".

Butterflies - before washing

That is a picture before washing. I have now found this block in Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia of Quilt Patterns, page 403. It is #3364, Fan Quadrille - by Mountain Mist. Megan from Canoe Ridge Creations did a tutorial for a version of the block here. I made drunkard path quarter circles and trimmed them and added the other squares to make the block. They look like butterflies to me.

Butterflies - before washing - detail

I decided to be brave and do some free motion quilting on the butterflies. You can see that my lines are a bit wobbly and I just free handed it as I went. I was hoping that the washing would sort out the wobbles and it did - any remaining wobbles add texture and interest, at least I am hoping you see it that way. I decided that the only way to get better at this kind of quilting was to just do it, and I could see improvement even in this single piece as I did more and more.

Butterflies - before washing

There she is before I threw her in the washer and dryer. After I braved the free motion quilting bits, I got out my walking foot and outlined the motifs with some straightish lines. I used a variegated white/tan Valdani thread for all the quilting.

Butterflies - after washing, detail

Here is the quilting detail after washing in the bright sun.

Butterflies - after washing - detail

I love these artsy quilting shots.

Butterflies - back

On the back I used a Timeless Treasures print called Tree. I love this print and it works nicely with the butterfly theme.

The binding is made of scraps of left over Terrain and I machine stitched it on. I used Marianne from the Quilting Edge's tutorial and it works exactly as she said it would. I even carefully followed her extra tutorial for the corners and I got 2 out of 4 corners finished perfectly. The other two I fixed with some hand stitching. Although I do like the hand sewing of bindings, this method is neat and far quicker and I will use it again.

Butterflies - detail

Another detail shot, after washing. This quilt is so cheerful and full of colour.

Butterflies - done

A folded, parting shot. And, I am reminded to add that I am made my little video about how easy it is to sew curves without pins while making this quilt - it is here.

This finish is also another finish for Rhonda at Quilter in the Gap's Finish-a-Long. There is not much time left - it is nice to have this one done in time for summer.

I will link this post up to {Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations and to Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story as the week progresses. The buttons for both these links are on the right side of the blog. There will be inspiration at each of those links, hopefully you have time to visit.




1 Debbie said...

This pattern is just lovely in Terrain, Leanne! Really nicely done! And congrats on the free motion - it looks great. Love all your different photos of the quilt too!

2 tusen said...

It looks so lovely and somehow sunny with all the bright colours, just right for the summer.

3 Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

Awesome! It's so beautiful and colorful. They do look like butterflies .

4 Canadian Abroad said...

I love this quilt. It is just so cheerful.

5 Susanne said...

I love it! :)

6 Unknown said...

So so pretty!

7 Elisabeth said...

Wow, Leanne, it's gorgeous. I haven't tried curves yet but after seeing this I'm determined to try sewing curves soon.

8 Susan said...

I love everything about this quilt- and I say this about all your quilts- the colours, the design, the quilting and the all-over 'snugglyness' of it ( yes, I know its not a word!)

9 Catherine said...

Leanne, it is gorgeous, I love it. Love the bright colours, the quilting is amazing and the pattern is perfect. What a great finish

10 Shevvy said...

It looks wonderful, I love drunkards path blocks and all you can do with them.

You have the right attitude to FMQ. Keep going and don't fret about it. From a distance who can see the wobble?

Don't you just love machine binding? So much quicker and after the first couple of quilts I never slip off the back anymore.

11 Manda said...

It looks fantastic, as you said very bright and cheery!

Anonymous said...

Wow,, what a happy quilt, it's wonderful! And thank you for the detail shots - I'm a beginner quilter, and it's really great to be able to see things like the binding and quilting up close.

13 Catherine said...

Yes, wow! Everything about it is lovely, colours, quilting and all.

14 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Totally gorgeous Leanne - another amazing finish x

15 Annabella said...

Just perfect Leanne - I love your Terrain butterflies and the backing is gorgeous.

16 Tina said...

This is absolutely gorgeous!! I'm in awe!

17 Jo @ life in lists said...

Beautiful, love the bright pops of colour, and such a simple and striking design (although I'm sure it wasn't simple to sew, with all those curves...)

18 Sarah said...

Gorgeous! Really love what you've done with the quilting too :-)

19 Judith said...

I love it, so fresh and summery. Well done !

20 elle said...

Beautiful quilt. Nice backing, too!

21 Melissa said...

This is BEAUTIFUL! I love the colors you chose. So bright and summery. I also love the quilting. I may have to try that on one of my future quilts.

22 Marg said...

I absolutely adore this quilt, everything about it is perfect. In fact since ive been following your blog you have been making the most beautiful quilts that I've fallen in love with, Ii dont think you have made one I didn't like.
This pattern is on my bucket list and I can only hope mine will be half as beautiful as this.

23 Run Quilt Knit Write said...

It's just gorgeous Leanne!

24 Heather D. said...

Just beautiful Leanne. I love the quilting.

25 Judith, Belfast said...

Oh my goodness L, this is stunning! I love everything about this quilt, and as I particularly love butterflies, it ticks all my boxes! Well done on another fab finish! Jxo

26 Svetlana said...

It looks beautiful!!! Love your quilting, so pretty!

27 Bumblebee and Sophie said...

I love the colors and it is off set so nicely with the white and the quilting!!

28 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

It's fabulous!!!

29 Jana said...

I love this quilt. That pattern is perfect to show off the wonderful fabric in Terrain. Love the quilting and the backing you picked too.

30 Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Leanne! I simply love your Butterflies Quilt! Most beautiful fabrics and you have made the quilting fantastic! I don't think the quilting lines should be all equal, a little bit 'free' makes it more alive! xxx Teje

31 Katy Cameron said...

Oooh, so pretty! Love the butterflies, and especially how you quilted them. Congrats on the finish :o)

32 Claire Jain said...

Gosh I love this quilt :-) It look SO beautiful in the Terrain. That scrappy binding just puts it over the top. Thanks for sharing!

33 Rachel said...

What an awesome quilt!

34 Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

Wow, it is beautiful! Your quilting looks great, too! One of my friends likes to say that once we 'shake' the quilt, all the less-than-perfect stitches disappear. We trust her!!! I am your newest follower. Check out my quilting adventures at and maybe you will follow me, too! Have a productive week.

35 Krista Schneider said...

wowsers, so lovely! nothing better than a wrinkly quilt fresh from the drier. very cool pattern, might need to try that one out sometime!

36 Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

I love the palette in this quilt - so summery and bright! Your quilting is gorgeous - I love the close up shots of the quilting (I always love to see pictures of quilting) and your FMQ looks great.

37 Lily said...

It does look like butterflies! Love the bright colors, the back and don't worry about the quilting. It looks great!

38 felicity said...

Leanne, this is a beautiful finish! The Terrain looks great with Kona White and your quilting is just fabulous. Love it all!

39 Kirsten said...

So beautiful - love the mix of straight line and FMQ.

40 Kristy QP said...

Love love love! What an absolutely gorgeous quilt!

41 Nicky said...

It is fabulous! Very summery! Glad you gave FMQ a go! Hope to see more of that!

42 Dee said...

Saw this and fell in love! I had already made it a favorite from Flickr and am so very glad you posted a link to the tutorial...which is now up on my Pinterest board!


43 Kelly said...

This is absolutely stunning Leanne!

44 Tara Knight said...

it's beautiful and you did a great job on the quilting!

45 maria said...

Wonderful. Fabulous pattern and great use of colour, love it.

46 Beth said...

Your quilt is just gorgeous... love all of it!

47 Beth said...

Such a beautiful quilt. Very cool pattern. And thanks for making the sewing curves tutorial.

48 Susana Neiger said...

Awesome. I love the colorful variety. I love the curves and lines. The great quilting sets it all off beautifully. Nice work.

49 Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Love it all! And you're not the only one getting finishes in for the Finish Along. I've got one more to finish this week.

50 Ebeth said...

I just love this quilt. What beautiful work! Enjoy!

51 Jessica said...

Just in love!

Anonymous said...

LOVE this quilt! Totally utterly love.

53 Emma said...

What a fabulous quilt. You've chosen such lovely fabrics and the quilting is the sashing really adds to the overall look.

54 Hitch and Thread said...

This is so pretty! I love the richness of the colours next to the white.

55 JennArtDesigns said...

This is just gorgeous! I shared a link to your post (found it via Kate Spain) on my FB page... hope you don't mind. It's just too good to *not* share! :)

56 JennArtDesigns said...

This is just gorgeous! I shared a link to your post (found it via Kate Spain) on my FB page... hope you don't mind. It's just too good to *not* share! :)

57 JennArtDesigns said...

This is just gorgeous! I shared a link to your post (found it via Kate Spain) on my FB page... hope you don't mind. It's just too good to *not* share! :)

58 Betty said...

Leanne, I just love what you did with this quilt - everything!!! Great way to showcase a fabulous print range.

59 DownHome Designs said...

Beautiful quilt! I love the bright colors, so cheery and uplifting. Who wouldn't love to cuddle up under this quilt?! I used to make baby quilts and handquilt them, but can't do the handquilting anymore. I have been procrstinating about machine quilting. I need to take a page from your book, bite the bullet and just do it!